Monday, July 12, 2010

Announcements and Scrapbooks and Cake Toppers, Oh My!

I was soooo overzealous my first day of blogging, and here it has taken me four days to write again.  I think I'll get better once I'm done with grad school (10 days, 16 hours, 8 minutes and 32, 31, 30... seconds left-- NOT that I'm counting or anything.) Speaking of graduating, I got my announcements in last week.  Reading my name in the card makes it so real!


[Notice that my photo shoot took place on my 1960s-era shag carpet in my apartment.  Yes, I'm living the fancy life... But I guess I should be grateful my shag carpet doesn't look like:]

School has been incredibly taxing, but it will all pay off in the end.  At least that is what "they" tell us...  At any rate, I graduate next Friday, and am super incredibly fortunate that I will get to share that day with several people from my family, future family, and friends!! Like, sooo many people are coming that not everyone will even get to attend the ceremony. (I'm sure they are terribly upset, they don't get to sit through two hours of pretending to listen to speakers while covertly playing games/texting/surfing the internet on their cell phone.)  Unfortunately for them, they will only get to partake in post-ceremony dinner, celebrations, and boozing.  Darn.

Actually, I think most of them are just using my graduation as an excuse to hang out in Colorado for a few days--which I'm totally ok with because I want everyone to see the city I've fallen in love with over the past two and a half years!

---Changing Subjects---

So I've gotten some super exciting wedding news over the past few days!  First, daddy told me that they've reserved a PHOTO BOOTH for the reception!! I'm thrilled, and hope it will be a lot of fun for the guests! Instead of spending money on favors that guests look at and say "Aww that's cute," then proceed to the nearest trash can to dispose of the endless hours you and your begrudging bridesmaids spent constructing the boxes and tying the ribbons 'just right,' my guests will take home a photo strip they posed for with our name/date on it.

[This isn't exactly what they'll look like, but you get the idea.]

One of my FAVORITE parts about having the photo booth at the reception is the "scrapbook artist" (yeah, did you know that was an official title?!) that comes with it.  So the deal is, each guest takes a copy of their pics home AND another copy goes to the scrapbook artist who makes scrapbook pages with the photo strips, giving the guests an opportunity to sign the pages.  At the end of the day, Eric and I get to take home a completed scrapbook with pictures and personal messages.  True to my inner-nerdiness, I LOVE scrapbooking, so this is huge for me.  Oh, and Eric says he's just as excited.  (hah)

AND, our cake topper came in today!!  There is a bit of a story behind it, but to make a long story short, Eric's family says that Eric used to be a little out of control until he met me.  Then he changed into this tame, lovely man, that they were hoping was hidden in there somewhere.  I likened our story to my FAVORITE Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast.  I bet you can guess where this is going...

Yep, I had to.  Every time I tell people about this, their first reaction is always, "Oh.  Ummm, is Eric okay with that?"  The funny thing is, he thinks it is pretty cool.  He likes to be "the beast,"all burly, manly, intimidating, AND the guy that gets the chick. (Secretly, I think he likes the movie too.  He's watched it with me!  OR maybe he was just doing it to get--well, we'll call it "brownie points.")  They are pretty and porcelain, and have 24 carat gold details-- oooh la la!  When they arrived at the house, mom said she shed a few tears.  Verbatim: "I saw the way the beast is looking at Belle and it is the same way Eric looks at you."  Love that!!  Mom, they aren't real ;)

Anyway, perhaps I've procrastinated homework long enough, again.  The next week, things are going into overdrive, but there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel!!  Until the next time I'm putting something else off...


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