Thursday, July 7, 2011

To Trash, Or Not To Trash?

I love all things weddings. I love shopping for wedding things, I love planning wedding things, I love books about wedding things (currently reading Nora Roberts bride quartet books... not my usual read, but a nice and fluffy and happy read).

I'm slowly coming off of my wedding high (it gets rejuvinated each time I see new pics posted on FB from that day)... However, considering the fact that three of my bridesmaids are engaged, I definitely have wedding activities aplenty in my future.

So what happens after the wedding? My big question today is....What happens to the dress?

Of course one option is to save it. Spend hundreds of dollars on getting the dress cleaned, pressed and boxed for preservation. The traditionalist in me really likes this idea. Maybe one day my daughter would want to see it, get excited about her momma's wedding, ask lots of questions and I'll have a chance to re-live my fairy tale. (I'll keep it real and not fantasize about my daughter wanting to wear my dress.)

My mom did this... A couple months before my big day, she pulled it out from under her bed and took it out of the box for the first time! It was neat to see it and even more neat to see her face light up when she talked about it!

27 1/2 years later, it still looks pretty good:

So that was a fabulous 30 minutes we had... and then... ummmmm do we put it back in the box??!?! Click to read the WSJ article on this from yesterday.

Another option could be to sell it?? Let's be honest, I'm a *little* on the short side, so this potential buyer would need to be 5'4 1/4" IN HEELS or shorter. (I wore 4 1/4" heels) Probably not a huge market.

Finally, another (appealing!) option is to trash it!

Don't freak, apparently, it's a sort of trend:

Kind of crazy, but I'm actually liking this last option. You don't REALLY have to trash it, but you definitely expose it to elements many bride(zilla)s would never consider exposing it to. Many times these shoots take place in some sort of water environment, so it can't hurt it too bad, can it?!? I even have an idea of where I could potentially do this, IF this was the route I took. Maybe my thoughts will come to fruition, so I'm not going to ruin the surprise, and I'll keep you all on the edge of your seat just waiting... I hope you'll be able to sleep tonight. :)

For now, my dress is laying on the staircase to the third floor:
*sigh* Even laying there it's BEAUTIFUL! :)

This post is to be continued (one day)... And maybe that one day I'll have fun pics to share!


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