Monday, July 11, 2011


This past weekend, along with my parents, I had the pleasure of hanging out with my cousin's kiddos at my house. (I'm only a itsy bit sarcastic...) :) Wow... talk about a sensory overload! Chris is 4 and Allie is 3, and we spent alllll day together. These kids are sooooo stinking adorable and we had a great time together.

Chris. Chris is what I'm assuming a typical 4 year old boy is: hyper, inquisitive, restless, playful and hard-headed. I mean, this kid doesn't slow down!! I think his favorite part of the day was venturing into every room (and closet) and turning on the lights (and lamps). After we'd realize what he did, he enjoyed (just as much) going back to turn them all off. Again. And again. And again. We tried everything to wear him out from sending him on hunts/tasks from the first to the third floor (SEVERAL times) to playing fetch and tug-of-war with my tireless puppy. Or what I thought was my tireless puppy--By the end of the day, Chloe had no interest in playing whatsoever. Any chance she had, she plopped down for a quick nap! He is such a cutie, with such a (deceivingly) innocent smile and you can't help but love him to pieces... At one point he was all about football because he saw Eric's college and high school helmets in the game room.

Of course, he had to try it on!

We did get him still for a few precious minutes while he was watching Transformers with Chloe.

Allie. Princess Allie. I've never heard any girl/lady/woman get more compliments on her hair than this little doll. (She got it from her momma!) It's not just her hair, though, she is sooo adorable! Allie is also pretty much the opposite of her big bro. She is more introverted, much more stubborn and is happy staying still for longer than 3 seconds. Also unlike her bro, she does not have a certain affinity for dogs. We were on a mission to change that.... At the beginning of the day she didn't want to be in the same room as Chloe, much less pet her. By the end of the day, she was calling her "To-dee" and wanted to play! I can't say she's totally comfy with dogs, but it is definitely a step in the right direction. To our delight, this little angel opted for a nap that day. She loved our lunch at BWW and also loved giving Uncle Steve a hard time. To know her is to love her!!

She was happy to veg out with us on the sofa
(probably mostly bc Chloe and Chris were playing on the floor).

Petting "To-dee!" Making progress!

Overall we had such a fun time with the kiddos!! I don't know who was more exhausted at the end of the day-- Me or Chloe!! In my opinion, babysitting is the most superior form of birth control. :) As much as I love these kids, that day was quite a reality check! (Is this the point where I knock on wood??)

Of course, as my mom pointed out, parenting is a gradual process and you learn how to manage and maintain. They don't come out of the chute as 3 and 4 year olds, so you have a little time to adjust...

I say this, but simultaneously, I cannot wait to be a mother and take on everything it entails! If God blesses us with kiddos (or little square heads, as my father so lovingly puts it), we will be absolutely thrilled! IF we keep to "plan," however, it will be at least a couple years down the road... (Is this where I knock on wood again!?!?)

[SIDE NOTE. So I went to Chris and Allie's basketball game on Saturday. Cutest, funniest thing ever! All within the 20 minutes before game time Allie loved basketball, hated basketball and then loved it again. Chris was a budding little MJ then decided he wanted to quit. They both played (well, with Allie, we are using a loose definition of the term "play") and it was a blast to watch!

I sort of became attached to one of their teammates. His name was Grady. NO JOKE, I initially thought Ursula (Chris and Allie's mom) said his name was "Gravy"--as in that was his nick name. (It would have been fitting.) I think I has a flash-forward moment to what our little square head just may look like... or at least be built like.....

I could not get over how cute this little chunker was!!! And when running up and down the court became just too much, he would sit down Indian-style right under the basket! Loved it]

In the mean time, before we have our own little terrors running around, I get to enjoy my cousin's kids and spoil them!!


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