Friday, October 22, 2010

Yet Again...

I let over a month pass between posts.  Oops.  I'd like to say I've been super busy, but I just don't have much to show for it.  Eric did just leave to go offshore after a full three weeks home, in Houston, no traveling, so we definitely spent lots of lounging time together.  It's odd that when I don't "technically" have a lot of stuff going on, I don't find time to write; however in the midst of a hectic school schedule, I more consistently blogged.  Maybe when I'm super busy I just have more to write about and/or use this as an outlet.  Yep, we'll go with those reasons.

This expanse of a leisurely few months, though, will soon come to a close and I believe that my blogging with increase: I have verbally accepted a position and have a start date of November 8, 2010.  Craaaazy-- I have a job.  Well, pretty much, anyway.  I don't think it will really set in until November 15, the second Monday of work.  The initial novelty will have eroded a bit, and week two commences with a little less adrenaline and more resistance to the alarm clock.  Luckily, the job is incredible so I'm thinking the sheer excitement and enjoyment will serve to sustain my high spirits. :)

In the meantime, my mom and I will witness in person the shuttle launch next week.  It's a really unique opportunity that I'm becoming more and more excited about!  A lady my mom works with is married to the commander of the shuttle. (What a catch, huh?)  Considering that the whole space shuttle program may soon come to a close, it is even more special that I can witness history.  I'll see this soon...

Hopefully I'll have original pictures to post upon my return!

So in my mind I'm already planning future posts--this is definitely a good sign for the masses (read: not-so-masses) that read my blog.  yipeeee


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